Judge in Florida Overturns Federal Health Care Law
The judge in the multstate lawsuit struck down the individual mandate component of the federal health care regulation.
Twenty-six states were party to the lawsuit, but Missouri was not among them. Even though Missourians signaled their overwhelming opposition to the health care regulation by passing Proposition C, Missouri’s attorney general, Chris Koster, didn’t jump on board.
This ruling is good news for Missourians. If the Supreme Court upholds this ruling, Congress will not be able to force people to buy something that they don’t want.
Hopefully, this foreshadows success for Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder’s own lawsuit challenging the health care reform law. So far, two federal judges have upheld the law, but two have ruled that it is unconstitutional (a lawsuit in Virginia, and now this multistate lawsuit in Florida).
We have followed the Florida lawsuit very closely at the Show-Me Institute, and we will continue to track it as it progresses through the courts.
The full text of the Florida ruling is available online.