Great Moments In Free-Market Theory at the St. Louis Board of Aldermen
This category may well be as small as an Airplane-style leaflet, but we had an example last week with the defeat of the proposed Segway ordinance by the City Board of Aldermen’s Parks Committee. The West End Word has the story here and here. Alderman Kacie Starr Triplett lays it out very nicely:
"Alderman Krewson’s bill is extremely protectionist, and that’s not a good precedent to set in the city," said Sixth Ward Alderman Kacie Starr Triplett.
Unfortunately, I think the precedent for protectionism in the city is well established in the code, but that’s not Alderman Triplett’s fault. If this statement and the defeat of the Segway bill are an indication of the views of Alderman Triplett and other young members of the board, politics in the City of St. Louis may well have a very bright future.