School Choice Mythbusting Virtual Event

Have you ever wondered: Do the narratives continually pushed by defenders of the status quo in education actually hold up? Are they fact or just plain fiction? Is the proverbial sky falling in education as opponents would have us believe?
Join us on Wednesday, March 9, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CT as EdChoice’s Jason Bedrick, Director of Policy, and Mike McShane, Director of National Research, challenge these narratives and share with us their published papers on two specific topics. Bedrick’s Who’s Afraid of School Choice? follows up on some of the dire predictions that school choice opponents have made over the years and sees how little they match reality. McShane’s The Accountability Myth attacks head-on the argument that public schools are accountable while private schools are not.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions via a Q&A session following the discussion.
Register here to reserve your spot for this virtual event today!
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