Show-Me Institute in the Papers This Past Weekend
The Show-Me Institute appeared in two major newspapers this past weekend. The Kansas City Star carried an op-ed by Dr. Joe Haslag, which also linked. To review the full op-ed (the Star had to do some length editing) you can check on the version hosted by the Missouri Political News Service.
The Springfield News-Leader also ran a very detailed article on ethanol use in Missouri, written by Chad Livengood. I was quoted a few times in it, and wish to make one correction. The article says that our study did not count the decrease in fuel efficiency that results from using E-10 fuel instead of ordinary gasoline, as part of the additional cost to Missouri drivers. Actually, our study does include it as part of the additional cost. I may have misspoke in my phone interview, or perhaps was unclear somehow, but it’s not a big deal — these things happen, and blogs are a quick and convenient way to make a brief correction. While our study was a very focused piece, this News-Leader article takes a wide look at ethanol in Missouri and I recommend it highly.