Town Hall – Make it Permanent: COVID-responsive Reforms After the Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Missouri took important steps in 2020 to increase the supply of health care across the state. Reforms include removing licensing barriers that prevented out-of-state licensed professionals of all kinds, and health care professionals in particular, from readily providing services to Missourians and the relaxation of the state’s telemedicine and scope-of-practice regulations.
During this virtual town hall, you will hear from a panel of experts on why these supply-boosting measures should be made permanent in 2021, and how they could be the starting point for other necessary reforms. Join us on Thursday, February 25 at 11:00 AM CT.
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Patrick Ishmael– Director of Government Accountability at the Show-Me Institute
Rea S. Hederman Jr. – Executive Director of the Economic Research Center and Vice President of Policy at The Buckeye Institute
Naomi Lopez – Director of Healthcare Policy for the Goldwater Institute
Josh Archambault – Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability
Questions may be submitted prior to the event by emailing them to [email protected] and during the event via the Q&A feature on your Zoom screen.
This event is sponsored by Show-Me Institute and Show-Me Opportunity