Free-Market Field Trip: Food Truck Edition – Stay Tuned!
It was sunny and in the 70s yesterday — I couldn’t picture a better day to grab a cupcake and a taco from a food truck. Thankfully, my office is in Saint Louis city, which is friendlier to food trucks than other municipalities in the region.
Rick, Josh, and I trekked down to the busy intersection of Euclid and Forest Park Parkway to visit two food trucks, Sarah’s Cake Stop and Cha Cha Chow. We brought a video camera and a field recorder, and interviewed some of the other customers. I learned that they are excited about having a variety of lunch choices, and they are excited see more food trucks in the Saint Louis region.
As we have highlighted before on Show-Me Daily, local governments often get in the way of this very activity. Because cities place restrictions on food trucks, many hungry consumers cannot enjoy a freshly baked cupcake on their lunch break, despite being willing and able to pay.
We’ll get the video up onto our website in the next week or so. Stay tuned!