Great Article About Water Privatization In Kansas City
I want to highly recommend this piece by Ingram’s Jack Cashill about privatizing the water system in Kansas City. Cashill makes a number of great points, and I love the opening lines:
Somewhere in the world, I am sure, a government bureaucracy manages a utility more economically and efficiently than a private company could.
When you find that “somewhere,” you are in for a treat. For there, too, you will find unicorns, Bigfoot, pretty lasses singing “Brigadoon,” Elvis performing live, and light-rail lines that actually pay for themselves.
Kansas City has a great opportunity to work with the terrific private engineering companies in the city and with American Water to turn over management of its water and sewer systems to private entities. They can do this either through an auction (sale), through a management contract, or many other variations or combinations. I hope this issue keeps getting strong consideration in Kansas City.
Thanks to Tony’s Kansas City for the original link.