Charter School Students Thriving in New York

Students at the Success Academy Charter Schools in New York City put up some incredible test scores this past year: 95 percent passed the state’s math test, and 84 percent passed the reading test. This is compared to 38 percent passing in math and 41 percent in English in the New York City school district.
Contrary to myths pushed by charter school opponents, Success Academy does not “cherry-pick” or “skim” its student population; about 95 percent of Success Academy’s students are children of color and are from low-income families.
Here in Missouri, we would be wise to take a closer look at what schools like Success Academy are doing to help low-income and minority students thrive. In fact, last November the Show-Me Institute invited Eva Moskowitz, the founder and CEO of Success Academy, to speak at the Show-Me Institute. You can watch her lecture here.