The High-quality Interdistrict Choice Act

On December 1st, Representative Brad Pollitt pre-filed a bill that would expand educational opportunities in the state of Missouri. This bill includes the “Public School Open Enrollment Act,” and would be an important step forward in enabling Missouri parents to choose where they send their children to school.
Under this new open enrollment program, Missouri school districts that choose to participate could receive transfer students from any public school in the state. While this bill would put Missouri on the path to education choice, policymakers could do a lot more to provide students with greater interdistrict choice by making district participation in the program mandatory. Not only would a mandatory program give parents and students a much greater number of educational opportunities, but it would also increase competition among schools and districts, which would lead to higher-quality schools that better serve the needs of students.
Director of Education Policy Susan Pendergrass created model legislation for what we are calling the High-quality Interdistrict Choice Act to demonstrate what a mandatory open enrollment program would look like. If implemented, such legislation could make Missouri a national leader in school choice rankings.