MSN Poll On Taxes
MSN and Zogby have released a new poll on how Americans feel about taxes. Time for a fisking. According to the article:
"Most Americans say they’re paying their fair share in taxes."
Good, we are at war and this is not the time to say you are paying too much in taxes unless you are now or have recently been spending some time in Iraq or Afghanistan.
"But, according to a recent MSN-Zogby poll, that doesn’t mean they’re happy about it."
Our troops probably don’t care if you are happy about it.
"People with $75,000 to $100,000 in annual income were most likely (45%) to say they pay too much in taxes, followed by those making more than $100,000 (43%)."
This makes sense to me. The general income area of 75 to 100 K is where higher rates start to kick in ($77,100 for an individual) and deductions, such as IRA contributions and student loan payments, start to fade out. A person in this area could easily be caught in the middle between higher rates and fewer deductions. This area is also sort of a partisan battleground, with Democrats seeing $75 – 100 as high income and Republicans seeing it as middle-class level. As people in it will almost always see themselves as middle class, there could certainly be some resentment toward being included with higher incomes in verious brackets.
"Just 3% said they pay too little."
About 3% of Americans probably consider themselves socialists of varying degrees. I assume these are the same 3%.