Marketing Water?

It might not surprise readers to learn that government bureaucrats overspend. But the Kansas City Water Services Department spent a great deal of money on a video promoting . . . water.
Back in the summer of 2013, the Water Department sought to “produce an educational video focused on the journey Kansas City’s water takes from river, to tap. [sic]” The resulting 1:44 video, embedded above, cost $24,541.28.
By way of comparison, the 25-minute Kansas City Public Television documentary, “Water Rates and Rivers,” which explored the steep increase in water rates and its serious impact on the poorest among us, cost about $40,000. Not only was the KCPT video nearly 15 times longer, but it required much more time and effort to produce.
About the time the contract to produce the Water Department video was signed, Mayor James declined a request by the Missouri Auditor to look into the department due to complaints his office received. Given ever-increasing water rates and this questionable expense, perhaps that decision should be revisited. In the meantime, I invite you to tap your toes to this bit of government-funded education.