… And I Am Out of Here!
I am off for vacation until Monday. Here’s hoping the Cardinals win the big game on Sunday:
Rev. Lovejoy: [surveys his congregation, one man and two old ladies] Well, I’m glad some people could resist the lures of the big game.
Man: Oh, my God! I forgot the game! [rushes out] — Super Bowl Sunday, “Lisa the Greek”
Hopefully, when I return to work on Monday, all bones intact, we will have no red light cameras, fewer state government employees, Warner will have his second ring, Fitzgerald his first, and the attention of the state of Missouri will turn to my study of state government, to be released next Thursday. I know how excited you all are.
P.S. — I make no claim to being anything more than a fair-weather Cardinals fan, who — like most of St. Louis — has decided to root for them on Sunday because of the presence of Kurt Warner. Although Larry Fitzgerald really is an amazing player.